Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Atrak Fools Gold's Day Off ManaWynwood

Fools Gold's Day off was surprisingly pretty damn great.  I always loved ATrak as a DJ back in the day his speed and precision cuts were always amazing in DJ competition videos.  So I figured this is what I was going to be hearing at this Fools Gold's Day Off show.  Some great turntablism wizardry.
To my surprise he doesn't do classic hip hop DJ scratch sets so much anymore but he's big in the Trap Music scene.  I don't really have any trap music albums/singles or anything but I do know that trap beats hit hard as hell in a good car commercial. But I now see why everybody loves it so much. Because it makes people go crazy on the dancefloor.
  The fans were on it loving every minute of it sweating their faces off while hypemen on stage threw out waterbottles and shot T-Shirts into the faithful crowd.

An artist call Eskeerdo was the first performer. His promotional t-shirts/flags/and paper facemasks were pretty awesome.

ATrak and that dude from Chromeo came out and said there needs to be more people sitting on peoples shoulders.

Then they introduced this artist Danny Brown who killed it.

A Box that Said "MOLLY" on it appeared on the DJ's Table.

Nobody ever turned down a free t-shirt.

Then Trick Daddy Performed.

I know not one Trick Daddy song so I just stayed for a 5-6 songs, snapped a few pics and went to south beach.

Questluv at ManaWynwood Miami

Art Basel Closing Party with DJ Set by Questluv.