Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Photography of Actor Jeff Bridges

On Late Night with Jimmy Fallon a few weeks back I recall (in an interview with Jeff Bridges) Fallon mentioned that Jeff Bridges is (ontop of being a great actor and musician)an excellent photographer. So while digging for records over the weekend I came across this Jeff Bridges K-Pax "the making of" self published Photo Art Book. And sure enough "The Dude" takes some nice pictures. Lots of photos featuring Kevin Spacey and the rest of the K-Pax cast.

#JeffBridges #TheBigLebowski #BigLebowski #Lebowski #TheDude #Actor #Film #Movie #Acting #MovieProduction #Art #Photography #Photo #Photos #ActorJeffBridges #TheMakingOf #K-Pax #TheMakingOfK-Pax

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to buy this book from somewhere? I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find a way to get my hands on it!
