Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SOUL - Blue Tape Beatdown - Finished Psychadelic Wavescape

SOUL is as classic Funk/Soul Band that everybody in Hip Hop Samples. All of their albums are about 100 bucks+. Found this one cratediggin for 2 bucks, came with some sick Pacman Style 1970's text.

Was getting a bit bored with fluid rythmic abstract color background on MDF (Micro Density Fiber Board)...

Then I was re-working this SOUL text for another project. Then set them next to eachother and realized. Wow that's it. It's a wrap. All I gotta do is transfer weave the linework in and out and it's pretty much done. Takes forever sometimes to marry up a background image with text or a character. But when it all comes together and it's a match - you'll feel it.

Wanted to create a style nobody is crazy enough to bite styles from(due to difficulty/time/cost/and it's simply a precision finesse paint application technique you can't master in a few weeks. or teach some rookie assistant to do.

Wanted to push the blue tape to it's limit creating this piece. Working in this style is like playing a game of Jenga, because when I lay down a new color I'm risking destroying every layer below.

Each time I work on the piece, I have to risk completely destroying the piece.
Takes patience and a steady hand. Sometimes takes 45min-1hour to lay down one line.

Have to sign/varnish & frame. I'm quite happy with the results.

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